Class one Cleanrooms prefabricated cleanroom mezzanine systems and Modular cleanroom Mezzanines are designed and engineered to meet your specific needs and load requirements. The top of the mezzanine is designed for loads from 40 lbs. per sq. ft. to 250 lbs. per sq. ft. Pre-engineered modular lightweight components are the backbone of your custom Mezzanine, reducing architect and engineering costs and time. We pre-fabricate your Modular Cleanroom Mezzanine in our factory and ship it to you for easy on-site assembly reduces the expense and time delays of conventional construction. Class One Cleanrooms Free Space Mezzanines; are steel mezzanines and prefabricated mezzanines that transform your unused and unproductive overhead air space into valuable storage space.
Our other pre-engineered modular components include modular cleanroom walls, Hepa filters support platforms, and a variety of accessories such as guardrails and stair systems.Cleanroom buildings include multi-story structures, prefabricated mezzanines customized mezzanine Cleanroom to create workplaces that meet your needs.
Class One Cleanrooms prefabricated mezzanines structures meet applicable building codes including the rigorous specifications demanded in seismically active zones. Class One Cleanroom system is the first moment-resistant, bi-directional rigid frame to be approved by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). This approval provides a faster permit process. Our system provides a robust structure that easily achieves most required clear spans.
For over 30 years, Class One Cleanrooms has have been providing our customers with superior service, creative solutions, and industry-leading execution. We provide products that are designed to last a lifetime and strive for our company and customer relationships to duplicate that longevity.
Industrial prefabricated mezzanines
In industrial applications, cleanroom mezzanines save floor space typically installed within buildings, built between two permanent original stories. These structures are usually free standing and in most cases can be dismantled and relocated. Commercially sold mezzanine structures are generally constructed of high tensile galvanized steel.